Jarrow Model Railway Club
Visit our Exhibition page for a list of exhibitors and Traders
Welcome to the web site ofJarrow Model Railway Club
Who are we and What do we do ?

typical club night is attended by between 15 and 25 members. People bring along projects to work upon and often to discuss progress and seek advice and help. A test track is usually set for members to display their lates aquisitions. Other members come along simply to enjoy a social evening and take advantage of the coffee bar or the licenced bar

We organise an annual exhibiion in May each year which is typically attended by between 700 and 1,000 members of the public.

Several of our members build exhibition standard layouts which are exhibited at various exhibitions.

Ocassionally we have workshop sessions when a particular topic (e.g. loco weathering) is demonstrated.
Where and when do we meet ?

We meet at the Primrose Community Association, Lambton Terrace, Jarrow where we have own meeting room for club nights. Full details and a location map can be found on the "Contacts page"

Our club night is Wednesday between 7.00 p.m. and 9.30 p.m.

Why not join us ?

Please come along to meet us on any club night.

Membership is open to all irrespective
of sex, ethnic origin, or age group. For juniors we require them to be accompanied by a responsible adult..

Our membership fee is a modest £5 pe annum and we charge £2 when you attend a club night.

If you are  interested or would like to discuss membership further please contact our secretary Eric Fletcher at


We are a very friendly goup of people who share a common interest in model railways. We have members with a wide age range from teenagers to retirees and we come from a variety of backgrounds, Modelling interests cover nearly all aspects of the hobby and most gauges from O down. Whatevever your particular interests or level of experience you are certain to meet kindred spirits who can offer advice and support.
Last updated:  20th January 2025